Five flower essences for when emotion effects digestion.

Have you ever noticed that your mood and thoughts can effect your digestion? This may seem far fetched but consider the adage “butterflies in your stomach” used to indicate nerves, or the sinking sensation in your abdomen when you get bad news or something goes wrong, or even your “gut instinct” and its indications about any given situation.

The digestive system and brain are linked via the "gut-brain axis” or “enteric nervous system” whereby chemical messages are sent between the two. They impact all parts of the digestive process as well as our mood, energy levels and endocrine function amongst others. It is widely accepted that many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract have some link or trigger for flares rooted in emotion and in functional kinesiology there are organ links to certain emotions, which when addressed can ease physical symptoms. So lets look at five gentle flower essences that can help to ease the emotional toll on our guts.

  1. Dandelion - Is linked to lions due to its bushy yellow flowers resembling the animals mane and energetically brings that strength and courage. With regard to digestion this plant energetically works on healing the solar plexus (the chakra placed just below the sternum) and as such works to aid clearance of toxic stagnation and anger of the liver. Think of that phrase that someone is “liverish”, meaning that they are angry. When anger stagnates in the liver we can experience sluggish digestion and skin breakouts, as well as impacts on energy levels. Dandelion helps the body to gently release stuck anger and stress, thereby relieving physical symptoms.

  2. Holly - Is another essence indicated for anger as well as jealousy, revenge and hostility. Anger here may be manifesting as issues with the liver or gallbladder, reducing ability to digest fats properly as well as assimilate nutrients. With this essence the important thing to consider is dose - while a proper dose of 4-6 drops daily will create benefit, too much Holly can actually exacerbate and create more anger! Less is definitely more with this one.

  3. Primrose - Feels like a warm embrace from a caring loved one. It is a gently mothering essence, encouraging growth, healing of the inner child and releasing of past trauma whilst feeling safe and secure. In terms of digestion, this can help as when we are stuck in “fight or flight” sympathetic activation our bodys energy is diverted away from digestion. By letting our nervous system know we are safe this essence allows for more efficient digestion and can help to relieve nervous tension in the gut.

  4. Red Chestnut - On a similar stress and anxiety thread to primrose, red chestnut allows for optimal digestion by instilling trust, positivity and the ability to let go. Its colour links to the root chakra, located at the perineum/base of the spine, and so correlates with the large intestine and its quite literal letting go! When there is extreme worry and tension the large intestine will hold on to anything it can, creating constipation, bloating and discomfort. Red chestnut can help to ease these issues when there is an underlying emotional component.

  5. Wild Garlic - Has a pungent, strong energy that is a powerful clearer of all stagnation in the body, especially around strong emotions. Great for when the emotion feels thick, draining and sluggish. Like its powerful antimicrobial action as a medicinal herb, Wild garlic essence can help to open up and clear anything that doesn’t need to remain, allowing for renewed clarity and strength. A tonic for the whole digestive system.

    When it comes to choosing an essence I always ask clients which they are drawn to - the energy body is clever and will often pick the right medicine for itself before you even have a chance to read into it too far. What are you drawn to?

    NOTE: Flower essences are not medicinal products and the advice given in this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please listen to your body and when necessary, seek advice from your doctor.


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