Five Ayurvedic Practices to Enhance Agni (Digestive fire).

The beauty of Ayurveda is its focus on overall wellbeing and prevention of disease rather than just treating symptoms. It is encouraging to see that western medicine is beginning to cotton on to the idea of preventative healthcare and its benefits.

Agni, or digestive fire, is an integral part of Ayruvedic wellbeing and can vary according to body type, diet and psychological wellbeing. When Agni is strong, food is digested fully, absorbed well to nourish the body and waste is eliminated efficiently. When it is weakened it gives rise to Ama. Ama is the waste product of incomplete digestion, essentially a toxin, and is seen as the basic cause of all disease.

To ensure strong Agni, try to encompass the following practices into your routine;

1.       TAKE GENTLE EXERCISE – Walking or yoga, especially when done in the morning when the atmosphere is clearer, improve digestion and elimination of toxins from the body. Try to breath deeply and fully whilst engaging in these activities to strengthen and oxygenate your body.

2.       WARM OIL MASSAGE – Known as Abhyanga, warm oil massage is an important Ayurvedic practice to loosen and remove toxins from the body encouraging them to be processed and eliminated via the digestive tract. It is best done daily, either before you shower or before going to bed. For added benefit choose an oil according to your body type, but Sesame oil can generally be used by all.

3.       DRINK WARM WATER OR HERBAL TEAS – These will help to flush toxins from the body and maintain healthy digestion. Ginger tea is a great way to both enhance Agni and clear Ama, and is best drunk in the morning or before meals.

4.       DON’T EAT LATE IN THE EVENING – Try to allow at least 2-3 hours after eating before going to bed. Going to sleep on a full stomach can leave poorly digested food in the system, giving rise to Ama (toxicity) that will reduce energy, strength and immunity. The evening meal is ideally light and eaten until you are ¾ full to allow space for digestive juices to mix thoroughly with the food and optimise digestion.

5.       USE WARMING AND PUNGENT HERBS  - Agni Deepana (raising the digestive fire) to ‘burn off’ Ama (toxins) can be done by including warming and pungent herbs in your diet. These include ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, asafoetida, cayenne, mustard, turmeric, cumin, coriander, basil and fennel.

“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” – Deepak Chopra


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